
Fintech & Startups

Courses in this category:

Patrick Henry Winston was an American computer scientist and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology....

Kevin Hale, Founder of Wufoo and Partner at Y Combinator, explains how to build products that create a passionate user...

Imagine, founders of successful startups are sharing their experiences and speaking about how to start, doing things...

Aaron Levie - founder of Box, enterprise master, Twitter comedic genius. In this lecture, he'll convince you to Build...

Part two of Culture and Team. We have Ben Silbermann, the founder of Pinterest, and John and Patrick Collison, the...


$ 39.00

Culture is a topic that’s discussed a lot and yet isn’t well-defined. Despite this, nearly every company says they...

Reid Hoffman's expertise on how to be a great founder was discussed in this lecture.   

In this lecture, Kirsty Nathoo, CFO at Y Combinator, and Carolynn Levy, General Counsel at Y Combinator, talk about the ...

What should the CEO be doing on a day to day basis? How do you make sure the company is moving in the right direction? ...

In this part of the lecture, Tyler Bosmeny, founder and CEO of Clever, starts off he lecture with an overview of the...

Sam Altman, YC President, on what successful startups face 12-24 months in. He discusses a few topics that later stage...

Carolynn Levy was previously at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati, where she helped hundreds of startups with legal...

In the first lecture of this course, the instructors introduce key terms and concepts related to financial products,...

This course introduces stochastic processes, including random walks and Markov chains.

This lecture is a review of the linear algebra needed for the course, including matrices, linear transformations,...

This is the first of three courses introducing the topic of time series analysis, describing stochastic processes by...

This lecture is a review of the probability theory needed for the course, including random variables, probability...

This is an applications lecture on Value At Risk (VAR) models, and how financial institutions manage market risk.

This lecture introduces the mathematical and statistical foundations of regression analysis, particularly linear...

 This is the second of three courses introducing the topic of time series analysis, describing multivariate time...