
Blockchain & Crypto

Courses in this category:

This course was discussed by Tadge. He explained about the analysis of proof of work, additional fork and non-fork...

The fifth class covers blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. The topics include the history of money and payments ...


$ 0.00

In this course, Tadge discussed abut fees, CPFP / RBF, and long term incentives.

In this course, transaction malleability and segregated witness are covered. Examples would be provided and explained...

Tadge would expound on the types of payment channels, including unidirectional, decreasing time, and lightning channels ...

Tadge does a recap of payment channels; optimizations, hash trees, and cross-chain swaps are covered for this course. ...

Discreet log contracts including conditional payments, oracles, and anticipated signatures are covered in this course.

New types of scripts including MAST, taproot, and graftroot were covered by Tadge for the course.

Privacy, coinjoin, aggregate signatures including Schnorr multi-signatures, aggregation and attacks were covered by...

Hiding output amounts, commitments, Pedersen commitments, range proofs, and confidential transactions are covered by...

Alternate consensus including unique node lists, proof of stake and space, variants, directed acyclic graphs, and proof ...


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For this last course, Neha takes over the class while Tadge is away explaining about zkLedger, a private, auditable...

In this course, future developments including block / committed bloom filters, sharding, accumulators, and UTXO...

Tadge will talk about wallet operation, coin selection SPV walkthrough and node types and problems in this course.

Agenda • What is Blockchain? • Proof-of-Work vs. Proof-of-Stake • Father and Son: Blockchain & Bitcoin •...

To give you a quick insight, Jed started MtGox on July 18 2010 because he thought the bitcoin community would need an...

This course lays the foundation to gaining competitive advantage in the Blockchain space by providing an understanding...